The gastronomic work ethic in Spain



Ópera prima
Published: 03-12-2021


  • F. José Berasaluce Linares (ES) Escuela de Doctorado de la Universidad de Cádiz. Alumno


Gastronomy is a thriving economic activity in Spain within the framework of a tourist destination of international excellence. Thought and philosophy allow us a critical analysis of the reality by means of the Foucault’s method of archeogenealogy. For this, two antagonistic realities are presented as a starting point: an economic report prepared by the international consulting firm KPMG and the precarious employment of the sector. The analysis of the speeches is carried out to gather two realities that coexist in the same space but do not represent a classic conflict of collective bargaining. In this study it is demonstrated that the dominant discourse of gastronomic power generates new poor people in the labor market and indicates a gastronomic work ethic incompatible with a sustainable growth of the sector.


gastronomy; precariousness; discourse; ethics; work, power; KPMG; Foucault; archaeogenealogy; poor; philosophy; economy; tourism; hospitality; dignity; Spain.


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How to Cite

Berasaluce Linares, F. J. . (2021). The gastronomic work ethic in Spain. Periferica International. Journal for Cultural and Territorial Analysis, (22), 370–379.


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