Topics and Document types


Design and Society. Design with regards to health, inclusion, gender perspective, and attention to functional diversity, and design for the elderly.

Design and the User. Emotional design, design of experiences, design for interaction, NeuroDesign.

New Technologies and their Application to Industrial Design. Digital production for the consumer industry, tools for rapid prototyping, Industrial 4.0, interactive 3D modelling, Virtual Reality, Reverse Engineering.

Aesthetics and the History of Industrial Design. Exhibitions, historical research, publications, files and documentation centres, cultural diversity.

Design and the Environment. Ecodesign, sustainable design, design for development, circular economy.

Training in Industrial Design Engineering. New training-learning approaches and methods, project-based learning, feasibility studies or studies on modelling the professional for the labour market, University-Company collaborations.

Innovation in Design. Methods, tools, and creativity and innovation processes, Collaborative Engineering, management in design, research in design, strategic design, design for the future.



The following types of research works will be considered for publication:

  • Research Articles

These should present the results and findings of theoretical or experimental original research works. The recommended length is between 4,000 and 8,000 words. These kinds of studies will account for 50% of the total number of works, in accordance with FECYT quality criteria.

  • Reviews

These should present and expound the most recent events or will be works in line with the thematic approach of the journal, in a consistent manner. Reviews must explain future possibilities and issues still to be solved. Maximum length is 8,000 words.

  • Technical Notes

Notes about products, projects, processes, methodologies or tools, that despite not presenting a complete research work do show interesting technical data. Length of between 800 and 1,500 words.

Other types of works:

Additionally, the following types of informative works will be considered for publication:

  • Perspectives 

These should present ideas, concepts, opinions and findings, related to scientific, professional or technological tasks, emerging from the exercise of the profession of Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering. Maximum length of 2,000 words.

  • Opinion Columns

These should present professional opinions on the evolution of the Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering profession. Maximum length of 750 words.