About the Journal
This journal reappears and begins a second stage in 2021, as a scientific journal. Some years before, from 2013 to 2015, this journal presented articles of an informative nature, and at that time collaborated with more than 100 national and international professionals and lecturers, always in the field of Industrial Design. During this first stage of the journal, Proyecta56, hosted by La Térmica Centre of Cultural Creation and Production (Málaga), received the 2014 Young Creation award from the Youth Institute. Thanks to this award, our Journal became a print publication.
This journal also participates in the “La hora del Diseño” (Design Time) exhibition (an international travelling exhibition in Madrid-San Salvador-Tegucigalpa-Managua) and “Outside the Box” exhibition (a national exhibition at the National Museum of Decoration Arts and Design).
At the present time, the scientific contents of our journal are reviewed by external experts following a "double-blind Peer Review” process. Every research manuscript submitted for publication in our journal must undergo the assessment of at least two external reviewers, the confidentiality of the manuscript received being preserved at all times. The rigour of this “Peer Review” ensures the confidentiality and anonymity of both authors and reviewers as established by the evaluation criteria of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and the Redalyc Scientific Information System of the Network of Scientific Journals.
This journal is an Open Access Journal. All scientific works published within it will be assigned a DOI number.
Proyecta56 wishes to remain faithful to its origins and, with this intention, despite focusing on research, it also incorporates a selection of informative and opinion articles aimed at ensuring the transference of knowledge between University and Company, as well as integrating the reality of the labour market into research.
Proyecta56, an Industrial Design Journal is a space open to contributions from the international scientific and professional communities, whose main objective is to disseminate specialized content in Industrial Design and Product Development, as well as to disseminate original studies derived from research by leading specialists.
It was edited by the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design of the University of Cádiz from 2020 to June 2023. This journal is made by a team of lecturers, researchers and professionals from different universities and companies, both national and international. From September 2023, the journal is edited by University of Málaga.
Proyecta56 is an annual publication. It is published every June 29th, coinciding with the International Day of Industrial Design.
This is an annual journal with a management system organised by academic years. The first issue of this second stage (number 1) will be published throughout the 2020-2021 academic year.
Although the informative content of the journal, which will be progressively reduced, will not undergo a peer review process and will be rejected or accepted by the editor (who will request advice from other members of the journal), manuscripts of a scientific nature must undergo the peer review process in order to achieve the appropriate quality indexes. These articles will be assigned a DOI and will be indexed thanks to the publication services of the University of Málaga. To ensure the adequate functioning of these reviews, the journal will count on a team of national and international professionals organised into two committees: “Edition Committee or Editorial Board” and “Scientific and Advisory Board”, which will work as follows:
1º. The Editor will receive the manuscripts and, if these are informative, will assess them and decide whether or not they should be published. To this end, the editor may request the opinion of any of the members of the scientific committee (especially of professional members) or of external experts. As for scientific manuscripts, the Editor will determine whether they tie in with the thematic lines established by the journal and may submit the manuscript to another member or members of the Editorial Board responsible for the thematic line in question.
2º. This member will carry out a second assessment and give an opinion to the editor on the content of the manuscript, submitting the article, if deemed appropriate, to two reviewers, who may be members of the Scientific or Advisory Board, or who belong to the database of external experts of the journal (which is updated annually).
3º. The scientific and advisory committee, in addition to reviewing the scientific manuscripts, will receive a copy of every issue and will send to the editors its remarks and opinions with regards to the quality of the issue of the journal, as well as advice in order to improve the journal and its quality indexes. This committee will be made up of professionals in the field who are aware of the practical aspects of research and who channel these to professional reality.
The Editor guides the journal and is responsible for its scientific quality as well as for the quality of the editorial board. The editor oversees the whole review, edition and publication process, and must also assess the development of contents, approve the final version of each issue (issuing a determinant decision on the publication of articles and on the issue, these may be included depending on their content), prepare the schedule of review and submission of articles, and represent the journal.
The editorial board or edition committee will be formed by the editor-in-chief, the secretary, and the assistants, designated by the editor depending upon their merits, and their ability and availability.
Every member is responsible for at least one strand of the journal, on which the member is an expert and, when appropriate, will give advice to the editor on specific subjects. The members of this board shall never review nor submit manuscripts.
Proyecta56 is in favour of the openness of institutions, accordingly, it is established that at least one third of the members of the editorial board must belong to institutions not connected to the publishing body, the UCA.
The advisory board is made up of lecturers, researchers or professionals connected with industrial design and the thematic strands with which this journal concerns itself. Again, pursuing the openness of institutions, it is established that at least one third of the members of the scientific or advisory board will belong to institutions other than the publishing body (UCA). If public or private funding is received from other bodies, the members belonging to those funding bodies would also be considered part of that one third. Likewise, the manuscripts of members of the scientific or advisory board participating as authors in an issue, will never exceed one third of the total in that issue.
In the same way, this journal fosters geographical openness: at least one third of the members of the scientific or advisory committee must belong to international institutions.
This committee must oversee the editorial content and the evolution of the journal in particular issues, promote the journal within its field, gain the collaboration of potential authors, elaborate the scientific strategy of the journal along with the editor and periodically assess the results, suggest, according to the needs and expectations, the publication of monographs on especially interesting or relevant subjects, and support the editorial board and guide it with regards to conceptual and scientific matters. Likewise, the members of this committee may act as reviewers of the journal.
Meet all the members of our team here.
The Editorial Board of the journal, having verified that the article complies with the content and style guidelines established in the guidelines for authors, will submit the article to two anonymous reviewers not belonging to the Editorial board, who are experts on design research, following the double-blind peer review process.
The review will assess the interest of the article, the knowledge it provides on the subject with which it is concerned, the newness of the content, the appropriate relations it establishes, its critical approach, the references used, correct writing, etc., and it will expound recommendations, if any, to improve it.
Based on the recommendations of the reviewers, the editor of the journal will inform the authors of the result of and reasons for the assessment through OJS, information that will also be received by the authors via e-mail, as it will be sent to the e-mail address indicated by the authors when registering as authors. The editor will inform the main author of the result of the assessment (accepted as submitted; publication with minor amendments; publication with major amendments; rejected), as well as of the remarks and comments of the reviewers.
If the manuscript has been accepted with amendments, the authors must send a new version of the article, modified as per the requests and recommendations of the external reviewers and the Editorial Board, within the time periods indicated by the editor. The author must send a letter to the editor and the reviewers specifying the amendments included in the article.
This journal commits to preserve the highest possible level of integrity with regards to the contents that it publishes.
This journal endorses the principles established in the code of ethics published by the COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATION ETHICS in: “Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors”.
The content published in this journal has been reviewed by external experts following a double-blind peer-review process.
Proyecta56, an Industrial Design Journal has an anti-plagiarism policy to guarantee the originality of all its papers. For this purpose, the plagiarism detection software Turnitin is used to examine the documents received as possible publications. If the texts are more than 25% similar, the proposal is withdrawn.
Proyecta56, an Industrial Design Journal, establishes equality between women and men as one of its values. For this reason, both the editorial team and the external review team are composed of at least 40% women. The content of our publication avoids linguistic sexism and presents research and articles that advocate for the role of women in industrial design throughout history.
It is essential to declare whether the authorships received financial support, and if so, they must include a complete description of the funding in both the article document and the metadata section. The information to be included is: the name of the funding entity, identification number of the funding, and a description of the role played by the funding entity in the research (coordination of the research and participation in any phase of the research). If the funding entity did not participate in the research, it should also be indicated.
In no case are authors obligated to pay article processing charges (APC) in this journal.
This journal offers open and free access, and no prior subscription is required.
Providing the public with free access to research fosters a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link the complete texts of the articles as long as authorship, the URL, and the journal are indicated, and there are no commercial purposes involved.
Proyecta56, an Industrial Design Journal will not request any fees or APC's from authors for publishing an article.
Authors may maintain the copyright, granting the journal the right of first publication. The journal will allow authors the non-commercial use of the work, including the right to place it in an open-access archive in institutional repositories or in personal web pages of public access. Likewise, prior to publication, they may include the final version of their accepted manuscripts.
This Journal is under a Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International.