Approaches and Technologies for Designing the Human-Centered Industry 5.0.


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A little less than a decade after the emergence of Industry 4.0 in the industrial world, the new paradigm 5.0 is gaining ground, which is simultaneously reflected in the definition of a smart society. In fact, we are witnessing an innovative transition that defines the pace of technological, but also economic and social change. Starting from the innovations of the fourth industrial revolution, Industry 5.0 "repositions" technologies completely at the service of people and the whole of humanity. The research aims to identify - through a comparative analysis of case studies and best practices - the points of contact and implementations arising from the transition from paradigm 4.0 to the human-centric approach 5.0 to define the future scenarios of manufacturing that see man and machine synchronized and synergistically working together to improve the efficiency of production.



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Giugliano, G., Laudante, E., Formati, F., & Italian, M. (2023). Approaches and Technologies for Designing the Human-Centered Industry 5.0. Proyecta56, an Industrial Design Journal, (3), 78–90.


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