Ecodesign as an applicable method to the didactics of Industrial Product Design in Chile
The following article assumes the need to approximate the methodology and general concepts of Ecodesign to the practical exercise of Product Design. This, considering the guidelines given by the adaptation of certain stages derived from the Life Cycle Analysis; as well as the identification of opportunities that are opened from the interpretation of the country scenario, given the peremptory implementation of the different regulations and requirements that have the objective of environmental improvement.
It is proposed to establish a procedural model applicable to the University Teaching of Industrial Design, as well as the development of disciplinary praxis at a professional level and with particular focus, on the one executed in Small and Medium Enterprises. Systematizing in this way, decisional aspects for the planning of products with a sustainable approach and in tune with the current environmental institutional framework.
The results obtained show an agile response in the resolution of cases aimed at design optimization. Considering for this purpose, the guidelines given by collecting data of certain environmental indicators and their transfer to Ecodesign strategies, as possible instances of improvement. Therefore, the proposed solutions mainly considered criteria for the reduction and recyclability of materials, optimization and efficient disassembly of parts and components, as well as the extension of the useful life of the product. Translating these factors, into relevant benefits for the user, for constituting a close communicative instance, for the understanding and promotion of the different principles that support good environmental practices.
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