About the Journal


ISSN: 1138-9435 printed version (Vols. 1-18).

ISSN: 2445-3072 electronic version.


RAMPAS is associated with the PAI-HUM-440 Group (Andalusian Research Plan), part of the Prehistory Area of the University of Cadiz.


It is an annual publication.

Editorial policy

This journal accepts articles in the field of theoretical and methodological topics related to the Prehistory. This journal is open to the reception and publication of papers that will enhance an intellectual scientific debate that could help overcoming the traditional points of view from both the Positivism and the Cultural Historicism.

RAMPAS is particularly interested in non-adaptative lines within the Geoarchaeology, Archaeometry and Zooarchaeology, as well as the encouragement of a critical view of the Historiography. This journal aims to become not only an open discussion forum, but also a place where an empirical and theoretical clarification regarding prehistoric research can be addressed, particularly in the South of Spain.


Papers will be published in the following languages: Spanish, English, French and German.


The Journal has an Editorial and 4 regular sections:

  • ARTICLES. The aim is to publish articles aimed at a methodological renewal in social and interdisciplinary visions of Archaeology.
  • NEWS. The intention is to present advances or results from recent projects and/or excavations.
  • REVIEWS. This section is dedicated to the review of books that contribute to the progress and methodological renewal of the discipline of prehistoric archaeology and related sciences.
  • CHRONICLES. We try to include works that value congresses, seminars or scientific meetings that contribute to the critical progress of the discipline.

Peer review process

The papers submitted for publication will be analysed by members of the Editorial Board, who will assess their possible suitability for the journal's profile, the originality of the content of the manuscript, the potential interest for readers and their adequacy to the publication guidelines. Those that are successful in this first phase will be sent to two anonymous reviewers, members of the journal's Scientific Advisory Board or external to it.

All manuscripts will be submitted to blind peer-review.

Accessibility of the contents

Articles, reviews, chronicles, news, and content of RAMPAS can be accessed from the URL: https://revistas.uca.es/index.php/rampas

It has through OJS (Open Journal System) an archiving system that guarantees its digital preservation.

In addition, they are deposited in the repository of the Library of the University of Cadiz: https://rodin.uca.es/

It should also be noted that there are copies of all the pdf files from the beginning of the publication of the journal (1999) at https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/revista?codigo=1124

Open access policy

Revista Atlántica-Mediterránea de Prehistoria y Arqueología Social provides open access to its content, based on the idea that offering society free access to research helps to a wider socialisation of knowledge.

Authors may retain copyright, granting the journal the right of first publication. The journal will allow authors non-commercial use of the work, including the right to place it in an open-access archive in institutional repositories or on publicly accessible personal websites.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Guidelines for RAMPAS reviewers

Download here the Guide in PDF format and in WORD format (in Spanish, we are in the process of translation).

  • This guide aims to ensure that any peer review process carried out in the Revista Atlántica-Mediterránea de Prehistoria y Arqueología Social is identified by:
  • To ensure independent review, and to provide constructive considerations for authors in a respectful manner.
  • Ensure that manuscripts have comprehensible content, within their subject matter.
  • Check that the papers contain updated and scientifically verifiable information.
  • Try to ensure that the conclusions reached in the work contribute to progress in the discipline.

Declaration of Ethics and Good Publishing Practices

Revista Atlántica-Mediterránea de Prehistoria y Arqueología Social is a journal aimed at archaeologists, historians, students and society in general interested in culture and the historical process.

The Editorial Team of RAMPAS considers that the aim of any scientific journal is to disseminate and socialise knowledge, guaranteeing scientific rigour and quality, with a high ethical commitment.

We therefore subscribe to the Declaration of Ethics and Good Practice of the UCA Publishing House: https://publicaciones.uca.es/declaracion-etica-y-de-buenas-practicas-2/ (in Spanish)

Anti-plagiarism policy

The works received are checked with the TURNITIN software to avoid possible plagiarism or self-plagiarism.