Spatial, contextual and functional analysis of a set of domestic structures of IIIth millennium bc of “La Orden-Seminario” site (Huelva)



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Hereby, we present a preview about the stratigraphic and contextual analysis of fifteen negative structures, which  are  linked  according  to  the  space  they  share. They can be likewise linked in three different groups, datable in the 3rd millennium cal. BC. Due to that, we have been able to establish a functional classification of the contexts. This classification includes habitat structures and storage pits, as well as symbolic, funerary, production, consumption and rubbish uses inside the village.


Huelva, Calcolithic, Late Prehistory, structures, La Orden-Seminario


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How to Cite

Garrido Fernández, E., & Vera Rodríguez, J. C. (2015). Spatial, contextual and functional analysis of a set of domestic structures of IIIth millennium bc of “La Orden-Seminario” site (Huelva). Revista Atlántica-Mediterránea De Prehistoria Y Arqueología Social, 17(1), 149–159. Retrieved from

Author Biography

Elena Garrido Fernández, Universidad de Huelva.

Doctoranda en la línea de Patrimonio Histórico y Cultural por la Universidad de Huelva.