New contributions to the study of the defenses in Campo de Sancti Petri in San Fernando (Cádiz), in the context of the War of Independence



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In this work a historiographic study of the defenses of the so-called Campo de Sancti Petri, currently called Punta del Boquerón, within the municipality of San Fernando (Cádiz), existing in the area during the War of Independence, is carried out. This is intended to provide and clarify knowledge about the evolution of the defenses that were installed in Punta del Boquerón until the War of Independence, without going into the details of military operations and focusing research on the evolution of their construction, through of cartography and documents of the time. Some of these documentary sources correspond to unpublished documentation from the archive of the old Engineers Command of the Military Government of Cádiz. Box. 5, File 76, which may be key to understanding the evolution of this part of the defenses of Isla de León.


Campo de Sancti Petri, Punta del Boquerón, Aspiroz, Urrutia, Sangenis, Batería de la Barca, Guerra de Independencia, Luis de Landaburu


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How to Cite

Ghersi García, F. (2021). New contributions to the study of the defenses in Campo de Sancti Petri in San Fernando (Cádiz), in the context of the War of Independence. Revista Atlántica-Mediterránea De Prehistoria Y Arqueología Social, 22(22), 373–398.