Español Lengua Extranjera para el Desarrollo Sostenible (ELEDS)



Article abstract page views:  260  



Investigaciones sobre y para la práctica en EA y S
Published: 31-07-2024


  • Daniel A. Michaud Maturana (NL) Hotel Management School Maastricht, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, Países Bajos Institut Langage et Communication, UcLouvain, Bélgica.


The contribution presents the results of a research on the possible integration of Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE) teaching in the domain of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The research showed that both the Common European Framework of Reference and ESD focus on the performance of citizens' competences as an agent in society. Based on this characteristic, the research was carried out based on the trial and error method, in which the SDGs were integrated into the content of the classes. The activities generated a cycle of didactic units that demonstrate the viability of integrating Spanish teaching into the ESD domain. The resulting didactic units are characterized by revealing that the Sustainable Development Goals can be considered as enhancing contextualized teaching and as motivating students by integrating theoretical knowledge with challenging application tasks that stimulate creativity and the exchange of experiences. The result of the research is the concept of Spanish as a Foreign Language for Sustainable Development as a method for the acquisition of communicative and professional skills to help the user to contribute professionally to sustainable development. In addition, the results suggest that the generated method is applicable to foreign language teaching in general.


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