Biodiversity and its Teaching Transposition in the Elementary Curriculum in the Organic Education Laws since the LOGSE (1990)
There are few studies on the treatment of biodiversity in the Primary Education curriculum. There are even less on the didactic transposition of the Scientific Knowledge behind this concept to the Laws on Education. This study tries to delve into the quality of that step by offering both with a qualitative and quantitative analysis on biodiversity’s transposition; referred to both the national level and Andalusia one. Major mistakes and shortcomings of the transposition are analyzed, and possible updates are pointed out while comparing national and regional scopes. Also, we assess the chronological evolution of the process through various laws up the current LOMCE; we found biodiversity’s transposition is incomplete, unbalanced and unstructured, with differences between the national and regional level; finally, no significant learning on biodiversity seems to be guaranteed.
Keywords: biodiversity; didactic transposition; elementary curriculum; educational law.
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