Arabic students of Moroccan origin at the Autonomous University of Madrid: awareness and linguistic identity




Published: 15-12-2019


  • Español Españgol (ES) Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


«Arabic students of Moroccan origin at the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid: Linguistic awareness and identity». In this paper, we present the results of a survey, conducted at the Faculty of Letters of the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid, during the academic year 2017-2018. Thirty-one students participated in the survey; all of them are of Moroccan origin and all majoring in Asian and African Studies, Arabic philology. We aim to continue working in this direction and offer this questionnaire to other students with Moroccan background, who study at other Spanish universities. The survey consists of forty-three questions and has the following sections: personal data, learning, native language level, level of Spanish and classical Arabic, daily use of language skills and some personal considerations about the languages that they know.



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How to Cite

Españgol, F. (2019). Arabic students of Moroccan origin at the Autonomous University of Madrid: awareness and linguistic identity. Al-Andalus Magreb, 26, 06.1–24.


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