The manifestations of rational practice in Islamic thought: between Aristotelian and Greek influences such as Averroes (Ibn Rušd), Ibn Ḥazm and Algacel (al-Ġazzālī) and Ibn Taymiyya's endeavour to base his logical theory on pragmatic principles.



Published: 15-12-2017



This article sheds light on the manifestations of rational practice in Islamic thought between the Aristotelian and Greek influence embodied by the theoretical efforts of the thinkers and philosophers of Islam and al-Andalus such as Averroes (Ibn Rušd), Ibn Ḥazm and Algacel (al - Ġazzālī), and highlights the efforts to establish the roots of the practice of reasoning in Islamic thought through the efforts of Ibn Taymiyya which his logical theory is based on pragmatic principles.



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How to Cite

MOUDEN, . M. (2017). The manifestations of rational practice in Islamic thought: between Aristotelian and Greek influences such as Averroes (Ibn Rušd), Ibn Ḥazm and Algacel (al-Ġazzālī) and Ibn Taymiyya’s endeavour to base his logical theory on pragmatic principles. Al-Andalus Magreb, (24), 155–173. Retrieved from


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