Corónica y relaçión de la esclareçida desçendençia xarifa (ms. d. 565 of the B.U.B): A new hypothesis about its authorship



Published: 15-12-2016



This article is the result of several reflections on the first treatise in ms. D. 565, University Library of Bologna. It brings together a series of arguments that elucidate both the genesis of the text and the religious identity of its author, as well as elaborates on other issues that could determine the authorship of the Corónica's treatise. Our study argues that we are faced with an Aljamiado-Moorish manuscript created for educational and religious purposes by an exiled Moorish writer who clings to Islamic Law and follows the precepts of his ancestors, being an adherent of Sunni Islam. Therefore, the ascription of this work to a Shia Muslim, espoused by some scholars, is discussed and ruled out.



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How to Cite

NORRI, N. . (2016). Corónica y relaçión de la esclareçida desçendençia xarifa (ms. d. 565 of the B.U.B): A new hypothesis about its authorship. Al-Andalus Magreb, (23), 73–91. Retrieved from


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