Contribution to the study of the ˁUmdat aṭ-ṭabīb by Abulkhayr Al-Ishbīlī: Comments about some items and suggestions for clarification



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Published: 31-01-2021



By basing on the Arabic text of the ˁUmdat aṭ-ṭabīb of Abulḫayr Al-Išbīlī (XIIth century), such as it was reconstituted from existing manuscripts and edited in 2004 by three spanish researchers, we tried, in this small study, to identify some products appearing in this important manuscript and not clarified to this day. In all, in this first contribution, we publish our comments about 21 items of this treaty for which the propositions of clarification are advanced and argued by taking support on the sum of data which we gathered for several years on ethnobotanic knowledges of the arabic peoples, those who are even current today and those who disappeared but what we find mentioned in old written sources.



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BELLAKHDAR, J. (2021). Contribution to the study of the ˁUmdat aṭ-ṭabīb by Abulkhayr Al-Ishbīlī: Comments about some items and suggestions for clarification. Al-Andalus Magreb, (17), 9–38. Retrieved from


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