Trade relations between the abdelwadide kingdom of Tlemcen and the south cities of occidental Europe from the half of the century thirteen until the half of the century sixteen



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115 - 148
Published: 01-02-2021



Italian seaports played a major mediation role in the flourishing trade activity between the kingdom of Tlemcen and western Mediterranean Europe in 1235 and 1554. Later on, they were substituted by the Franco-Provençal seaports, and at a late stage by the Catalan -Aragonese. This period made the kingdom of Tlemcen a true crossroad of trade between the Maghreb and Europe, setting the basis of the prosperity and strength of the ziyyani state.



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How to Cite

DAOUADI, B. (2021). Trade relations between the abdelwadide kingdom of Tlemcen and the south cities of occidental Europe from the half of the century thirteen until the half of the century sixteen. Al-Andalus Magreb, (16), 115–148. Retrieved from


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