Núm. 15 (2008): Al-Andalus MAGREB
Número completo
Diffusion du taëawwuf chez les tribus nomades de l’intérieur de l’Ifrīqiya entre le VIe/XIIe et le IXe/XVe siècle et naissance de tribus maraboutiques ["Diffusion of taëawwuf among the nomadic tribes of the interior of Ifrīqiya between the 6th / 12th and 9th / 15th centuries and the birth of maraboutic tribes"]
Remarques sur le recueil ibāÜite-wahbite Siyar al-mašā’iḫ : retour sur son attribution ["Remarks on the ibāÜite-wahbite collection Siyar al-mašā'iḫ: return on its attribution"]
Poetas del Jerez islámico ["Poets of Islamic Jerez"]
Abū ‘Abd Allā h Muḥammad b. Sa‘īd al- “anhāñī al-Zamm–rī, un auteur peu connu de l’époque mérinide (VIIIe/XIVe siècle)["Ab-'Abd Allā h Muḥammad b. Sa'īd al-"anhāñī al-Zamm-rī, a little-known author of the Marinid period (8th/14th century)"]
La novela, nueva poesía de los árabes ["The novel, new Arab poetry"]
Notas sobre Cazaza, puerto de Fez y fortaleza española (1506-1533) ["Notes on Cazaza, port of Fez and Spanish fortress (1506-1533)"]
Continuidades y rupturas en el pensamiento político del Marruecos contemporáneo: un análisis histórico-conceptual ["Continuities and ruptures in contemporary Moroccan political thought: a historical-conceptual analysis"]
Florilegium philologicum. Seis catas en el corpus poético preislámico de las mu'allaqāt. ["Florilegium philologicum. Six tastings in the pre-Islamic poetic corpus of the mu'allaqāt"]
Diversidad lingüística, política lingüística y discursos en Marruecos: hacia la regulación o el conflicto ["Linguistic diversity, language policy and discourses in Morocco: towards regulation or conflict"]
El tema “los ojos de la amada son como los de la gacela” entre la poesía árabe y la de El Solitario, Arolas y Zorrilla ["The theme "the eyes of the beloved are like those of the gazelle" between Arabic poetry and the poetry of El Solitario, Arolas and Zorrilla"]
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