Wāqiˁ at-taˁlīm bi-l-wasaṭ al-qarawī wa-rihānāt at- tanmiya at-turābiyya. Ǧamāˁat Sīdī ˁAzūz bi-ǧihat al-Ġarb aš- Šarārida Banī Ḥsan namūḏaǧā ["The reality of education in rural areas and the challenge of local development. The community of Sidi Azouz in the Gharb - Chrarda - Beni Hsen region (Morocco)"]



Article abstract page views:  164  


Published: 15-12-2014



“The reality of teaching in rural areas and the commitment of local development. The Community of Sidi Azouz in the region Gharb – Chrarda – Beni Hssen (Morocco)”. Local rural development in Morocco constitutes a challenge for all actors operating in the field. Teaching projects should be considered a strategic commitment to achieve the desired development goals and improve the social situation of rural areas inhabitants. What is the reality of teaching in the Moroccan countryside? To what extent can it contribute to local development? We shall try in this paper to answer these questions through a study of the indicators related to education in the community of Sidi Azouz, located in the region of Gharb - Chrarda - Beni Hssen.



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How to Cite

GHAZOUI, A. (2014). Wāqiˁ at-taˁlīm bi-l-wasaṭ al-qarawī wa-rihānāt at- tanmiya at-turābiyya. Ǧamāˁat Sīdī ˁAzūz bi-ǧihat al-Ġarb aš- Šarārida Banī Ḥsan namūḏaǧā ["The reality of education in rural areas and the challenge of local development. The community of Sidi Azouz in the Gharb - Chrarda - Beni Hsen region (Morocco)"]. Al-Andalus Magreb, (21), 3–21. Retrieved from https://revistas.uca.es/index.php/aam/article/view/7422


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