Other romantic readings on Chatterton



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New revisionist approaches on Chatterton as emblematic symbol of Romantic suicide (Groom 1999, Hays 2005) establish the basis for this article, which confronts Romantic representations of this myth in works by Scott, De Vigny, De Quincey and Browning. A comparalive analysis of their works exposes the personal manipulatíon of Chatterton's suicide and the construction of these significative Romantic texts that hold a tradition progressively changing in later works as George Eliot's Míddlemarch.



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How to Cite

Losada Friend, M. (2011). Other romantic readings on Chatterton. Cuadernos De Ilustración Y Romanticismo, (14), 43–64. https://doi.org/10.25267/Cuad_Ilus_Romant.2006.i14.03

Author Biography

María Losada Friend

Universidad de HueJva


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