A empty space for another political journal in the Cádiz Courts: La Tertulia Patriótica (october, 1810-february, 1811)
After the Cádiz Courts established the Freedom of the Press Law in November 1810 all kind of journals started to appear: liberal, reactionaries, burlesque or patriotic ones. Not all of them were accepted by a public so eager for news about parlamentarian debates, and the development of the war against «the French». One newspaper that got a considerable success was La Tertulia Patriótica, published between October, 1810 and February, 1811. This journal was edited and directed by Mariano de Carnerero and Félix Enciso Castrillón. In this article, it’s analysed and studied this journal contents, a journal that tried to create its own individuality between two of the most popular newspapers of that time: El Conciso and El Diario Mercantil. All of them defended the Freedom of the Press and were the architechs of a liberal public opinion that will flow into the 1812’s Constitutional debates.
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