Pictures of a heterogeneous revolution. Tensions between text and image in The marriage of heaven and hell of William Blake



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  • Luciana Del Gizzo (AR) Univesidad de Buenos Aires - Conicet


William Blake’s illuminated books are particular art objects that combine image and text in an etching technique created by the artist. They create the illusion of handwriting, whose stroke continues in drawing. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell [ca. 1790] is an inflection point among these books, because it shows a reinforcement of the technique, respecting the quality of images and the readability of handwriting, and because plate 15 symbolizes the illuminating process. Despite the visual illusion, the piece does not generate a continuous sense, but image and text are in tension. This study focuses on the complex interpretation of this piece as a literary and artistic work that comprises a counter-reflexive idea of time and history.



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How to Cite

Del Gizzo, L. (2018). Pictures of a heterogeneous revolution. Tensions between text and image in The marriage of heaven and hell of William Blake. Cuadernos De Ilustración Y Romanticismo, (24), 619–635.

Author Biography

Luciana Del Gizzo, Univesidad de Buenos Aires - Conicet

Luciana Del Gizzo es Doctora en Letras por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Se desempeña como becaria posdoctoral del CONICET y del Instituto de Literatura Hispanoamericana (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA). Ha trabajado como traductora y editora en organismos internacionales, y ha sido docente auxiliar de la cátedra de Literatura Europea del Siglo XIX (UBA). Publicó varios artículos en revistas. Es autora del libro Volver a la vanguardia. El invencionismo y su deriva en el movimiento poesía buenos aires (Madrid, Aluvión, 2017).


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