José María Llanos y Alcalde: the author of the satires Against the Bullfights and Against the Husband’s Tyranny attributed to G. M. de Jovellanos
The satirical corpus of G. M. de Jovellanos remained manuscript or was published anonymously. This paper reviews the data that give rise to the attributions and concludes that the satires Against the bullfights and Against the husband’s tyranny —published in the Diario de Madrid in 1797 and 1798 signed by J. Ll., but also in the Semanario de Málaga signed by J. Ll. y A. and in 1800 attributed to J. M. L.— are actually the work of José María Llanos y Alcalde (Málaga, 1759-1799), chair of Canons of the University of Granada, academic of the Good Letters of Seville, and member of the Patriotic Society of Granada.
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