Disposal Practices of Medicines and Solid Waste from Personal Care Products on the Southern Coast of Brazil - Support for Management






Brazil is one of the countries that most consume and dispose of medicines in the world. Pharmaceutical residues can have a potential deleterious effect on the quality of aquatic and coastal waters and on the health of aquatic organisms and the entire population. According to previous studies in some Brazilian regions, it is estimated that a large part of the population is not aware of the proper disposal of medicines. This work is an exploratory cross-sectional study that analyzes the disposal practices of medicines and personal care products by the population of coastal municipalities on the north coast of Rio Grande do Sul during the COVID-19 pandemic, by using an online survey. We found that 96% of respondents store medicines at home and 61,8% do not dispose them properly. Education level and knowledge about medicine collection sites in the municipality of residence were associated with greater knowledge about the environmental impacts of pharmaceutical waste. A geo-referenced analysis in the municipalities of Imbé and Tramandaí showed that medicine collection sites are mainly located in central neighborhoods, but most residents of these locations are unaware of the collection sites and do not dispose their medications properly. Regarding the disposal of personal hygiene products, 4% of respondents dispose them occasionally in the toilet, and the most discarded items are toilet paper, cotton, pads and tampons. The results and cartographic products resulted from this work will subsidize the creation of awareness campaigns in the local community.


How to Cite

Soletti, R., Camboim Rockett, G., Aparecida Ferreira de Barros, N., & Fernandino, G. (2023). Disposal Practices of Medicines and Solid Waste from Personal Care Products on the Southern Coast of Brazil - Support for Management. Costas, 5(2), 51–66. https://doi.org/10.25267/Costas.2023.v5.i2.0303


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