Assessing Multi-Level Climate Governance and adaptation in a coastal metropolitan context in the Global South



Acessos à página de resumo:  108  




The article examines the complexity of climate change adaptation, particularly in coastal regions, with a specific focus on the Baixada Santista Metropolitan Region in southeast Brazil. As an area directly exposed to climate risks, this dynamic region provides a valuable case study for understanding the challenges and developing governance solutions. The study explores the multi-level governance framework involving national, state, and local policies, examining how organizations within this structure interact to address climate change adaptation. The paper conducted semi-structured interviews with institutional representatives to unravel the dynamics of climate adaptation efforts. Results reveal the absence of a unified climate agenda, with interactions primarily manifesting through the implementation of public policies, educational projects, and NGO initiatives in local and regional forums. The research identifies barriers, challenges, and recommendations, stressing the imperative for a realignment between climate change adaptation and integrated coastal zone management within the metropolitan context. The findings not only contribute to comprehending climate adaptation in other coastal urban cities at the metropolitan governance level but also provide insights into addressing a diverse range of socio-environmental changes across different levels of engagement in climate policies or adaptation initiatives.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)

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Almeida de Carvalho, D., Fidelman, P., de Oliveira, M., Pardo, J., & Martins De Freitas, D. (2023). Assessing Multi-Level Climate Governance and adaptation in a coastal metropolitan context in the Global South. Costas, 5(2), 79–102. v5.i2.0503


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