The culture hidden behind the walls
The historical epithelial treatments in architecture have been lost. Passing fashions, almost archaeological, lack of due economies, and the forgetfulness of artisan trades, have been their causes. An accumulation of acculturation and uncultured catetisms have been losing their authenticity. What is not known is not transmitted. The constituent material of Cadiz and the cities of the surroundings of the Bay, is a geological product that sculpts our cities. The way of understanding the protection and the messages supported in the facades of its architectures, has been hidden and forgotten. There are still examples of stucco, illuminations and catechisms on the walls that also protect them, whose truth we must vindicate. The hygienic and lime treatments have preserved them, and again they must be rescued to show the authenticity of history.
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Gaditana-logía. Estudios sobre Cádiz
La cultura oculta tras las paredes
Vol.3, nº6, pp.42-57, 2024
e-ISSN: 2792-7997
Universidad de Cádiz
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