The chirigota callejera: from “illegal” to identity sign of the Cadiz Carnival


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Published: 06-06-2024



The Carnival of Cádiz has a multitude of sociocultural elements of analysis. Year after year the multitude of creations and forms of expression generate diversity of opinions, studies and even currents of social thought. The main hallmark of the Cádiz Carnival is creativity and imagination, musicality and lyrics, but, above all, in the representation of a “type”. All of this has had a special relevance through the groups that sing in the street, outside the rigor of a Contest, those initially called “illegal” (because they were) and currently claimed as “street”.


Carnaval de Cádiz, chirigota, chirigotas ilegales, chirigotas callejeras, tipo, Cuaresma.


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How to Cite

Giráldez Sánchez-Gey, J. S. (2024). The chirigota callejera: from “illegal” to identity sign of the Cadiz Carnival. Gaditana-logía, 3(6), 58–68.


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