The concept of Spain as a Nation in the Cortes of Cádiz.
The Constitution of 1812 encourages important consideration of the concept of the Nation. The absolute power of the monarch is diluted between the articles established by the Cortes of Cádiz. In these years, the origin of the new power of the State will be forged. Furthermore, within the framework of the Constitution of Cádiz, the new configuration of the State is proposed. Overcoming the dictates of the Old Regime and opening the way to a New Regime; rising an innovative design inspired by a uniform Jacobin centralism inherited from the French Revolution. Cádiz and its Constitution of 1812 star in a splendid page of the contemporary history of Spain, projecting itself into the territories of America. In this sense, this article makes room for reflection regarding the concept of Spain as a nation in the Cortes of Cádiz.
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(1) ESTEBAN, Jorge DE, Tratado de Derecho Constitucional, Universidad Complutense, v. I, Madrid, 2001, pág. 56.
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(38) Diario Mercantil, 1 mayo 1811.
(39) GARCIA LEON, José María, ob, cit, t. II, pág. 216.
(40) Cortes de Cádiz, Decreto V, de 15 octubre de 1810.
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