


Article abstract page views:  297  



Published: 24-12-2021



Under the pretext of remembering, that is, of reliving, the self-narrative becomes the ideal pretext for talking about the carnival of Cádiz. In this sense, we opt for the loa as a discourse, incomplete, where we weave praises to the many qualities that this festival has and is attributed to it. Nevertheless, it is an outburst of imagination and joy that invades the spirit of locals and strangers alike. For ten days the city also dresses up and hosts an infinite number of creative and gastronomic events. Traces are traced through feigned itineraries, in the carnival nothing is what it seems. This is why the disguise is the most appropriate attire and the two blushes the way to mask oneself. The praise of a person who, without being from Cádiz, makes his own particular immersion and does not hide his predilections.


Carnival, Cádiz, self-narrative, ethnography


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