Football and learning conflict resolution in the city of Cádiz
Football is the world's dominant sport. Followed by so many people around the globe, the influence on spectators is enormous. But sometimes sporting events can lead to conflict on and off the pitch. In Cadiz this phenomenon has been solved over the years. After analysing different news from the sporting world in which Cádiz CF has been involved, it will be possible to find the origin of these problems and also to see how effective solutions have been proposed. Different authors over the last century have begun to become aware of this problem that plagues the world of football and although as a society the conflictive values have been denied, this has not been done correctly until the last few years when the problem has been taken seriously. It is now that we have seen how this problem has affected us more closely and no club wants to be involved in extra-sporting controversies. That is why teams such as our Cádiz CF have started with their training in sporting ethical values.
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