Pre-entry screening and border procedures as new detention landscape in the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum. The Spanish borders as a laboratory for immobility policies


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Published: 21-01-2024


  • Gustavo de la Orden Bosch (ES) Instituto de Derechos Humanos Pedro Arrupe, Universidad de Deusto


The paper analyses the Screening Proposal presented by the European Commission as part of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. The aim is to clarify what would be new and old in the EU's legal framework and practices at the external borders, focusing mainly on immigration detention. In particular, the study addresses possible changes and continuities in detention policies. The research conducts a legal analysis aimed at determining the level of legal certainty and identifying legal loopholes and shortcomings. In order to contrast the results of the analysis, the study focuses on the Spanish legal system on border and migration control. Specifically, the study analyses the impact of an eventual adoption of the Screening Proposal on the Spanish border detention system. As a result, the research highlights that the current detention mechanisms in Spain already fulfil the functions pursued by the screening and border procedures proposed as new in the Pact. Furthermore, the approval of the Screening Proposal would entail constitutional and legal amendments that would reduce the scope of migrants' human rights and procedural guarantees at Spanish borders. The paper argues that, if the proposal is approved, screening and pre-entry border procedures still should meet a set of human rights basic standards and international obligations, according the current legal framework and the case-law of regional courts.



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How to Cite

de la Orden Bosch, G. (2024). Pre-entry screening and border procedures as new detention landscape in the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum. The Spanish borders as a laboratory for immobility policies. PEACE & SECURITY-PAIX ET SÉCURITÉ INTERNATIONALES (EuroMediterranean Journal of International Law and International Relations), (12). Retrieved from


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