The military occupations of Palestine and Western Sahara by Israel and Morocco, two legally comparable examples of serious violations of international law


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Published: 23-07-2024


  • Juan Soroeta Liceras (ES) Universidad del País Vasco


The whole of Palestine and a large part of the territory of Western Sahara have been under military occupation by Israel and Morocco, respectively, for decades. If in the case of Palestine, perhaps as a consequence of the horror and shame of the "televised" genocide being committed by the occupying state, the degree of recognition of its international subjectivity as a state is increasing every day, in the case of Western Sahara, where its administering power, Spain, has neglected its international obligations, the opposite is true. This study analyses the double standards and the different ways in which the UN, the European Union and Spain approach both conflicts.



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How to Cite

Soroeta Liceras, J. (2024). The military occupations of Palestine and Western Sahara by Israel and Morocco, two legally comparable examples of serious violations of international law. PEACE & SECURITY-PAIX ET SÉCURITÉ INTERNATIONALES (EuroMediterranean Journal of International Law and International Relations), (12).

Author Biography

Juan Soroeta Liceras, Universidad del País Vasco

Universidad del País Vasco (Spain): Contacto:


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