Refugees and conflicts: 74 years after Geneva, where do we stand?

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Published: 04-03-2025


As the 74th anniversary of the 1951 Geneva Convention on the Status of Refugees approaches in 2025, this article examines the evolution of the relationship between international refugee law (IRL) and international humanitarian law (IHL) in situations of armed conflict since 1951. The discussion highlights the significant progress made globally in understanding how these two legal systems interact, particularly in contexts where armed conflict exacerbates the plight of refugees. Key milestones in legal frameworks and case law illustrate a growing recognition of the necessity for cooperation between IRL and IHL to safeguard the rights of displaced individuals. Despite these advancements, considerable challenges remain in fully aligning their applications. These challenges include discrepancies in definitions of refugee status, complexities of enforcement, and varying interpretations of obligations under both legal regimes. Additionally, contemporary issues such as regional conflicts and increasing numbers of forcibly displaced people underscore the urgency of refining these legal frameworks. The article ultimately advocates for a more integrated approach to enhance the comprehensive protection of refugees caught in armed conflicts, emphasising the importance of collaboration between legal frameworks to effectively address the evolving needs of displaced populations.



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How to Cite

Seatzu, F. (2025). Refugees and conflicts: 74 years after Geneva, where do we stand?. PEACE & SECURITY-PAIX ET SÉCURITÉ INTERNATIONALES (EuroMediterranean Journal of International Law and International Relations), (13). Retrieved from

Author Biography

Francesco Seatzu, Universidad de Cagliari

Universidad de Cagliari


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