Kidnappings as a terrorist instrument of AQIM and the MUJAO
Abstract: This article updates to the Spring of 2013 the kidnappings implemented by a number of Salafist-Jihadist groups acting in the Maghreb, the Sahel, and Nigeria, providing analysis. Since then, a number of hostages have been released and other foreigners have been kidnapped, but the key-issues defining the terrorist groups’ strategies remain. The threat is always there, and their most negative consequences (payment of ransoms and release of Jihadist-Salafist prisoners, among others) do remain as well.
Keywords: AQIM; Algeria; Ansaru; Boko Haram; In Amenas; Jihadist-Salafist terrorism; kidnappings; Libya; Maghreb; Mali; MUJAO; Niger; Nigeria; ramsons; Sahel; SGPC (GSPC, in its more frequent French acronym); Tunisia.
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