How Local People Living at the External EU Border Perceive Migrants


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Published: 18-08-2022



Research showed different results in the perception and acceptance of migrants in Croatia. Earlier research show that respondents perceive migrants as socio-economic and a socio-cultural threat while newer ones show mostly positive attitudes towards migrants and belief that there should be equal living conditions for all persons in Croatia.

Considering that the integration takes place at the level of local community, the opinions and attitudes of the local population are extremely important. There is a need for continuous examination of public opinions and attitudes.

The aim of this study was to research the perception of migrants in the adult population living at the external EU border, precisely, in the rural settlements of Split-Dalmatia County, near Bosnia and Herzegovina border. The research area is on the Southern Balkan migrant route. In recent years, irregular migrants have crossed Croatian territory on their way to Western countries. The local population who lives on migrant route is exposed to encounters and occasionally to incidents with migrants.

The survey method was used. For the purposes of research, a questionnaire was designed. The research focus was on two questions: how do local people perceive migrants and did the vicinity of the migrant route and migrants influence their everyday life and safety? In general, the results showed intolerance, strong social distance, and stereotypes towards migrants. Due to the closeness of migrant route, the part of respondents feels unsafe while some of them change daily habits.



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How to Cite

Stanić, S., Bandalović, G., & Vučica, Z. Šuljug. (2022). How Local People Living at the External EU Border Perceive Migrants. PEACE & SECURITY-PAIX ET SÉCURITÉ INTERNATIONALES (EuroMediterranean Journal of International Law and International Relations), (10).


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