No. 8 (2020): Issue #8 (2020)
Full Issue
In Memoriam
The Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular migration: a Soft Law instrument for management of migration respecting human rights
Between Grotius and the pro communitate Principle: The Limits to the Principle of Freedom of the Seas in the Age of Marine Global Commons
An Analysis of Integrated Management of the External Borders of the European Union
Human Rights and Gender Aspects in United Nations Peacekeeping Operation Mandates: How did they sneak in?
Répenser la responsabilitè en affaires dans un monde globalisé
The European Union-Turkey Cooperation on Migration matters: Towards a Review of the Migratory Statement of 18 march 2016
Le statut juridique des étrangers dans l’Union européenne: Le cas des ressortissants camerounais
La COVID-19: Exigences de la sécurité sanitaire, crise du multilatéralisme et implications géopolitiques
Migrant Search and Rescue Operations in the Mediterranean by Humanitarian Organizations: Migrant Smuggling or Humanitarian Assistance?
Reflections on the ‘Statement on the Lack of Foundation on International Law of the Independence Referendum that Has Been Convened in Catalonia’ on the occasion of its third anniversary
Technology Transfer, International Law And Protection of Marine Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction: Key Issues for a New International Agreement
Les enjeux stratégiques actuels de la Russie en Méditerranée: analyse retrospective et prospective
Las redes y el écart: reflexiones a en torno a “El Estado de derecho y la Unión Europea”
Annotated Bibliography
CARRERA, S., SANTOS VARA, J., Y STRIK, T. (Eds.): Constitutionalising the external dimensions of EU migration policies in times of crisis. Legality, rule of law and fundamental rights reconsidered, Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton, 2019, 323 pp.
CHANG, K.-S., Developmental Liberalism in South Korea: Formation, Degeneration and Transnationalization, International Political Economy Series, Series Editor: Timothy M. Shaw, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 221pp.
MARERO ROCHA, I., Soldados del terrorismo global. Los nuevos combatientes extranjeros, Ed. Tecnos, Madrid, 2020, 216 pp.
REMI NJIKI, M., El Estatuto Jurídico de los nacionales de África, Caribe y Pacífico (ACP) en la Unión Europea, Editorial Reus, Madrid, 2019, 343 pp.
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