The influence of Steampunk e internet in the tipo of the Cádiz Carnival ensembles (2011-2018)

Instantánea del Vapor Adriano III ("Vaporcito del Puerto"), Bien de Interés Cultural, en su depósito en la margen derecha del río Guadalete (El Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz).


Article abstract page views:  370  



Published: 21-12-2020


  • Ana Fernández Riverola (ES) Professor of pattern making and preparation of the Junta de Andalucía. Student of the University Master’s Degree in Humanities: Contemporary Art, Literature and Culture at the UOC


The internet has brought about a radical change in the way we search for, receive and transmit information. This has had a great impact on society and culture since, due to its instantaneousness and easy access, social relations have taken a step towards a global opening, which has led communication towards a language that replaces the word with the image. This transformation of the ways of seeing and understanding the world towards the visual has generated forms of expression native to the digital that are accepted, adopted and normalized within contemporary society. The Cádiz Carnival and, especially, the official competition of Cádiz carnival groups, have been affected by this change in cultural paradigm. The forms of creation and transmission of this Cádiz cultural expression have inevitably been immersed in the influence of digital culture, above all in its most visual and aesthetic aspect: the “tipo” of the carnival ensembles. In this sense, the clothing of carnival groups has always been subject to aesthetic changes and has evolved alongside social trends, and therefore, in the last decade it has been under the aesthetic influence of digital native tribes.



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How to Cite

Fernández Riverola, A. (2020). The influence of Steampunk e internet in the tipo of the Cádiz Carnival ensembles (2011-2018). Periferica International. Journal for Cultural and Territorial Analysis, (21), 376–387.


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