Self-commissioninuig, Inttion and Prosumer

Creative process for personal fulfillment.


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Research article
Published: 29-06-2023



Self-commissioning in design refers to the practice of setting goals and objectives for oneself rather than having a brief or brief from the company. In self-commission, the creator has more control over the creative process and can focus on his own visions. Creative intuition, as the ability to trust inspiration and ideas that arise spontaneously, is not dependent on traditional creative methods. The combination of both, self-commissioning and creative intuition, can allow greater freedom to explore original ideas and approaches. On the other hand, the "prosumer", a combination of the words producer and consumer, and which refers to the practice of users becoming active producers of products, instead of simply consuming what companies offer them, is a creativity that fits appropriately into self-commissioning and own creation. In the creative context, this can mean that the creator is both the producer and consumer of his own work, using his creative intuition and self-commissioning to produce original and unique content that is also appreciated by others. These practices can help creators gain more control over their creative process, explore original and innovative ideas, and create content that is relevant and engaging to other users.



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How to Cite

López-Forniés, I., & Asión-Suñer, L. (2023). Self-commissioninuig, Inttion and Prosumer: Creative process for personal fulfillment. Proyecta56, an Industrial Design Journal, (3), 109–137.


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