Thoughts about the development of the digital technique for the image design

Desde sus orígenes a la actualidad



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Published: 23-06-2021



If we start by introducing the concept of software as an artistic technique for the creation of illustrations we could point out how it influences redefining the traditional processes and bases of formal analysis when it comes to the image, as well as changing the mode of consumption within the online environment. Therefore, it is needed the existence of an appropriate critical work that could bring into light different routes about in what we can make evolve on the visual analysis, but also enriche its study, which parts from the understanding of how pictures are made towards our present. The objective is to identify what kind of changes have occurred and how it is today conditioned by digital tools and formats. It concludes with an retrospective of the publishing world that shows this transformation and guides us on the future path.



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How to Cite

Peláez Piédrola, M. (2021). Thoughts about the development of the digital technique for the image design: Desde sus orígenes a la actualidad. Proyecta56, an Industrial Design Journal, 1(1), 86–97.


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