Review of new design approaches to achieve Zero Waste strategies



Article abstract page views:  776  



Published: 23-06-2021



The Zero Waste movement is currently gaining a following. With new approaches in design strategies, the circular economy and the change in social mentality, sustainable products that respect the environment can be achieved.

Through the study of the different phases that make up the conceptual and manufacturing process together with the distribution until the end of the object's life, different strategies that can modify the environmental impact and the future of the products are analyzed according to various authors.

The use of new technologies, the research of new experimental materials and innovations in the field of design promise a new concept of an eco-sustainable product and lifestyle that allows reducing and even suppressing both the environmental impact and the carbon footprint.

By recycling, reusing and reconditioning, it is possible to end waste and waste, thus reducing the manufacture of new ones, reaching an optimal production that does not endanger the future of humanity by betting on a local, local and sustainable product.



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How to Cite

Gómez Martínez, M. (2021). Review of new design approaches to achieve Zero Waste strategies . Proyecta56, an Industrial Design Journal, 1(1), 73–85.

Author Biography

Marta Gómez Martínez, Ricard Vila Studio

Marta Gómez is an industrial design engineer and has a Certificate of Higher Education in Building Construction. While studying her last year at the University of Cadiz, she moved to Barcelona, where she worked at Francesc Rifé Studio, thereby obtaining an insight of the culture of design. In the meantime, she continued developing her own projects. She was the finalist of the “1st Best Andalusian Inter-University Design of the Year”, winner of the third prize of the Roca One Day Design Challenge Barcelona 2019, and short-listed for the Dutch Design Week 2020. Her interests range from interactive product, furniture and even graphic design, searching for creative solutions for our everyday existence. Driven by her love of architecture, industrial design has shown her how to improve life with small actions reflected in great products.


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