Conservation and restoration alternative techniques applied on paleontological material from Middle Pleistocene sites. Application test in Cueva del Ángel sites, Lucena (Cordoba)



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  • Eva Montilla Jiménez (ES) Fundación Instituto de Investigación de Prehistoria y Evolución Humana


The  objective  of  this  paper  is  to  raise  a  number  of  alternative  techniques  which  can  be applied to Pleistocene sites in order to turn excavated materials into usable tools for inverstigators of various disciplines. The search for technical solutions both in materials and methods of practice must aim to preserve. This project makes use of nanotech and laser nd:Yag to protect DNA potentially contained within osteological remains as well as cut marks intact. The degree of alteration these new products and application techniques may or may not have upon the materials is  verified using  X-ray diffraction, electron spectroscopy and scanning electron microscope (SEM).


Conservation and restoration, cleaning by laser Nd:Yag ablation, paleontological material, bones, fossils, consolidation, nanoparticles, Cueva del Ángel


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How to Cite

Montilla Jiménez, E. (2015). Conservation and restoration alternative techniques applied on paleontological material from Middle Pleistocene sites. Application test in Cueva del Ángel sites, Lucena (Cordoba). Revista Atlántica-Mediterránea De Prehistoria Y Arqueología Social, 17(1), 93–103. Retrieved from

Author Biography

Eva Montilla Jiménez, Fundación Instituto de Investigación de Prehistoria y Evolución Humana

Responsable de Conservación y Restauración