Critical reflections about the implementation of the Barnahus model in Spain. Legal and victimological approach



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Published: 28-06-2024



To some extent, the criminal process can lead to neglect the needs, rights and guarantees of the victims. This in itself is worrying, but when it comes to child victims, the issue becomes even more complex. Due to their position of special vulnerability, underage victims have a higher risk of developing permanent sequelae that could have negative repercussions on their emotional, social and cognitive development. In response to this problem, the Barnahus model emerged as an integral system of intervention and justice for underage victims, which quickly spread throughout Europe. By 2020, Spain would establish the Barnahus pilot Project in Tarragona with the intention of continuing to spread the Nordic system across the country. By therefore, the characteristic features and benefits of the use of this kind of system are identified, as well as possible problems that could obstruct its extension process in the national context.



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How to Cite

Martínez Perpiñá, B. (2024). Critical reflections about the implementation of the Barnahus model in Spain. Legal and victimological approach. Journal of Legal Studies and Criminology, (9), 205–248. REJUCRIM.2024.i9.06


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