Metalinguistic activity in the language classroom: considerations on the place of interaction in gramar learning.



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Camera Obscura: area investigations
Published: 29-12-2022



: In this text we present some considerations on the concept of "metalinguistic activity", as well as on how important it is to understand interaction in the classroom as something more than a simple learning technique. For this, we will refer to some basic Vygotskian notions and the key place that human interaction occupies in them, as well as the need to clarify these postulates from the school perspective. Within this framework, we will focus on two basic notions: scaffolding in the zone of proximal development and exploratory talk. As an illustration of the basic notions discussed, we will expose and comment on some metalinguistic dialogues developed within the framework of some interventions in the classroom, based on the model of projects work with sociocultural roots that receives the name of Didactic Sequence. The analysis of these dialogues suggests that the interaction is a powerful catalyst in the classroom for the learners’ reflective processes and their ability to integrate linguistic knowledge


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Fontich, X., Troncoso, M., & Pérez-Badenes, J. (2022). Metalinguistic activity in the language classroom: considerations on the place of interaction in gramar learning. Tavira. Electronic Journal of Teacher Training in Linguistic and Literary Communication., (27), 1105.


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