The Egramint project from the teaching perspective: an opportunity to reflect on teaching practice




Camera Obscura: area investigations
Published: 08-10-2023



The objective of this article is to show how a group of secondary school teachers approached, through the classroom implementation of teaching sequences from the project “The Elaboration of an Interlinguistic School Grammar: Towards Reflexive Language Teaching in Multilingual Contexts” (Egramint), the concerns and questions raised by the teaching of grammar in secondary classrooms. This experience also became a training process, since, after a theoretical-practical session taught by members of Egramint, the teachers analyzed their practices through different instruments (pre- and post-implementation questionnaires, discussion groups, interviews about the adaptations of the SDGE and analysis of its interventions in the classroom). Subsequently, they presented their reflections at one of the symposiums of the IX International Congress on Grammar Teaching (Congram 2023). The works we present reveal that participation in the Egramint project contributed to the development of the ability to analyze their own practice, ask new questions and transform their action



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Supporting Agencies  

This research, La elaboración de una gramática escolar interlingüística: hacia una enseñanza reflexiva de las lenguas en contextos multilingües (EGRAMINT), is funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y la Agencia Estatal de Investigación (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), PID2019-105298RB-I00.

How to Cite

Abad Beltrán, V., Campos Royo, M., Víctor, Noelia, & Reverte Gracia, M. (2023). The Egramint project from the teaching perspective: an opportunity to reflect on teaching practice. Tavira. Electronic Journal of Teacher Training in Linguistic and Literary Communication., (28), 1101 .


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