Promotion of reading through non-fiction illustrated books and thinking routines



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Exhibition hall: experiences, didactic proposals and research in contexts
Published: 13-10-2024


  • Sandra San Miguel Prieto (ES) Universidad de Valladolid


The research aimed to identify strategies to promote reading engagement in a summer library located in an informal setting in the province of Segovia. Employing a qualitative action research approach during the months of July and August, the responsible teacher developed a continuously evolving didactic proposal. Data were collected through participant observation and interviews and analyzed using categorization and criteria of scientific rigor. The proposal integrated illustrated non-fiction books with thinking routines, fostering reading habits and critical comprehension. Adaptability to the context and cycles of reflection-action were crucial aspects for the study's success. The results support the effectiveness of the proposal in promoting reading during the summer in a library.  In conclusion, the thinking-based learning (TBL) methodology proved to be an effective tool for achieving the research objective and promoting reading engagement in this environment.



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How to Cite

San Miguel Prieto, S. (2024). Promotion of reading through non-fiction illustrated books and thinking routines. Tavira. Electronic Journal of Teacher Training in Linguistic and Literary Communication., (29), 1202.


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