Vernacular digital literacy practices: analysing participatory culture in affinity spaces
This work focuses on new digital literacy practices. Its main objectives are to describe and analyse the process of textual reception of young people, to explore the creative productions of fandom and to design a formative model for reading and literary education. The study is framed within the recent field of research on digital reading and multiliteracy and a
differentiated research methodology has been used that integrates quantitative and qualitative perspectives (electronic questionnaire, semi-structured and in-depth interviews and field study). Data analysis has been carried out, on the one hand, using the ATLAS.ti programme to extract, categorise and hyperlink data segments from a large variety and volume of multimedia documents and, on the other hand, with the SPSS statistical programme using descriptive statistics, correlational techniques and simple regression analysis. The results show that there are socio-cultural practices that enable users to group together in affinity spaces and become part of the participatory culture. Thus, through these practices, users (re)create socially established conventions or norms of comprehension and creation that guide the way of conferring literary value to what is read or written and of establishing the appropriate way of responding to or creating the text.
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Copyright (c) 2022 José Manuel de Amo Sánchez-Fortún, Carmen Pérez-García, Juana Celia Domínguez Oller
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