Canon, literary education practices and values of the european citizenship



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Camera Obscura: area investigations
Published: 11-12-2022



The main aim of this study is to gather information on the current situation of the teaching of literature in non-university classrooms. More specifically, three aspects are of interest: the corpus of readings addressed, the classroom activities proposed and whether or not the axiological dimension of literary works is included in these activities. The methodology combines instruments from the qualitative and quantitative paradigms in order to delve deeper into the conceptions and knowledge applied by teachers in these contexts; the main ones are semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. The results obtained so far paint a picture that can be understood as a time of transition, in which the corpus is making room for children's and young people's literature, but without, especially in secondary education, the classics and traditional practices and approaches having lost their presence; genres and formats are being updated (multimodality) and reflection on values is not usual.



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How to Cite

Núñez Delgado, M. P., & Santamarina Sancho, M. (2022). Canon, literary education practices and values of the european citizenship. Tavira. Electronic Journal of Teacher Training in Linguistic and Literary Communication., (27), 1102.


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