Political Articulation in Early Modern Castile (C. 1520-1550): The Place of the Seven Parties



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Published: 20-12-2018


  • Eduardo Nazareno Sánchez (AR) Universidad de Buenos Aires


Partidas, more specifically its 1555 edition, occupied a central role in the political articulation of Castile during the sixteenth century, especially under the government of Carlos I. Partidas allowed the consolidation of the figure of the king as the organizer of the political space, because the laws that gave certainty to their domains emanated from his figure. All of this within the framework of the disputes rose by the imperial organization, both in Europe and in the emerging American territories.



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Nazareno Sánchez, E. (2018). Political Articulation in Early Modern Castile (C. 1520-1550): The Place of the Seven Parties. Trocadero. Revista Del Departamento De Historia Moderna, Contemporánea, De América Y Del Arte, (30), 102–120. https://doi.org/10.25267/Trocadero.2018.i30.07


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