No. 36 (2024): Trocadero. Revista del Departamento de Historia Moderna, Contemporánea, de América y del Arte
Núm. 36 (2024): Trocadero. Revista del Departamento de Historia Moderna, Contemporánea, de América y del Arte
Full Issue
The aljama mosque of Sharis (Jerez de la Frontera): state of the question and reflections
Center and periphery? The construction context of the old archdiocese of Seville through workshops, works and quarries between 1400 and 1430.
Private education and books in Cádiz (16th-17th centuries): an approach
Christianization processes in Peru: study of the sermons of Fernando de Avendaño (1600?-1649)
A monastic foundation at the Early Modern Age: the Augustian priory of Nuestra Señora de la Guía of Jerez de la Frontera (1623-1835)
The art of silversmithing in the streets and squares of the city of Cadiz: location of silversmiths during the 17th and 18th centuries
Route and return trips: the geonese Repeto Bechio marriage. Reconstruction of a family established in Cadiz
Echoes of the next overseas: approach to the relief and defense of Oran from the kingdom of Murcia
A noble woman facing death: the testament of the VIII marquise del Carpio
Sword and dress sword in the household of Burgos in the 18th century
Describing the empire: Pedro Alonso O'Crouley (1740-1817) and his Idea compendiosa del reino de Nueva España (1774)
The Madrid-Manila flight of Elcano Unit (1926): hispano-americanist propaganda and the myth of the flying heroes
Woman, vote! The leading figure of Yosi Campos in Cadiz during the Spanish Second Republic
The persecution of the republican journalist Eduardo Gutiérrez Henríquez
Elena Escuredo, Diana Olivares y Pablo Pomar (eds.), Crux Triumphalis. Calvarios y vigas de imaginería entre la Edad Media y el Concilio de Trento, León, Universidad de León, 2023
Gema Rayo Muñoz, Una Iglesia a la sombra de la monarquía. Dinero y poder en el reino de Granada (1487-1526), Madrid, CSIC, 2023
Transformations in spanish hospital care in the transition from the Old Regime to the New Regime (18th-19th centuries)
Guillermina del Valle Pavón (coord.), Contrabando y redes de negocio. Hispanoamérica en el comercio global, 1610-1814, Ciudad de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora, Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencia y Tecnologías, 2023
Rafel Aita, Los Incas Hispanos: La Historia no contada de la Conquista del Perú, San Sebastián, Ediciones La Tribuna del País Vasco, 2022