Ethical postulates for an ecologist didactics in the classroom. Against "ecological skepticism": an educational responsibility, political responsibility
La crisis ecológica que asola la sociedad, evidenciada más si cabe por el covid-19, exige de una mayor concienciación y crítica por parte de la ciudadanía, capaz de comprender y oponerse a la lógica moderna que ha producido pandemia, desde la forma de relación entre la especie humana y la naturaleza, hasta los patrones de correspondencia que mantenemos entre nosotros. Frente a la connivencia del modelo de producción capitalista, este artículo pretende adentrarse en la lógica del escepticismo climático, abordar su crítica y subrayar la necesidad de mitigarlo desde una educación que, acorde a los derechos humanos, permita una ciudadanía crítica. Una propuesta que implica pasar de la concienciación y empatía con las generaciones venideras a la crítica del sistema capitalista y, finalmente, a una acción educativa abierta, capaz de abarcar distintos modelos como el ecofeminismo.
Palabras clave: responsabilidad política; educación para la sostenibilidad; negacionismo ecológico; escepticismo ambiental; formación de educadores.
Ethical postulates for an ecologist didactics in the classroom. Against "ecological skepticism": an educational responsibility, political responsibility
Abstract: The ecological crisis that plagues society, further evidenced by the covid 19 demand for greater awareness and criticism by citizens, capable of understanding and opposing the modern logic that has produced a pandemic, from the form of relationship between the human species and nature down to the patterns of correspondence between us. Faced with the concomitance of the capitalist production model, this article aims to delve into the logic of skepticism of climate change to address its criticism and demonstrate the need for training. A proposal that implies moving from awareness and empathy with future generations to criticism of the capitalist system and, finally, to an open educational action, capable of encompassing different models such as ecofeminism.
Keywords: political responsibility; education for sustainibality; ecological negationism; environmental skepticism; training of educators.
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