Training of environmental citizens through a course on water sustainability using ICT
One of the current problems is the compromised future of water, in terms of its sustainability. Education for environmental citizenship has not achieved the expected impacts on the changes in habits and consumption of the population in relation to this essential resource. Innovations in education that resume or promote interest in young people on this problem are necessary since it is the current and future generations who will have to face the challenges in this regard. The widespread use of these populations of technology makes it necessary to test the impact of its use for environmental education and awareness of participation in the use and consumption of water. The main objective of this research was to determine the effects of the implementation of a course on the subject of water sustainability through the use of digital tools in education for environmental citizenship in students of a public university in Mexico. Thus, this research took up the participation of 26 students to analyze the effect that reflection, analysis, criticism and dialogue on human activities related to water and the vital importance of this resource for the environment produced on them through a holistic conception. The topics covered included: 1. Conceptual elements about water, 2. Water and its importance from a holistic approach, 3. Situations and problems of water, and 4. Actions as environmental citizens.
The results obtained indicate that there was an increase in knowledge, awareness and proenvironmental behavior regarding the reviewed topics, this when comparing the results obtained in the Pre-Test and Post-Test evaluation, where the change in their perception towards water and the environment was considerable. Finally, in the discussion of the results, theoretical aspects and research aspects concerning Environmental Education, Environmental Psychology and Environmental Citizenship.
Copyright (c) 2021 Estefania Ruiz-Barrios, María Evelyn Diez-Martínez Day
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