The nasīb in popular poetry ḥassānī, lə-ġnä

vol. 27 (2020)



Published: 29-12-2020



Ḥassānī popular poetry, lə-ġnä, deals with the same themes Classical Arabic poetry does, however, there are differences between the two regarding the use of some themes, especially in nasīb. This article discusses the special characteristics of nasīb in ḥassānī popular poetry through the poems of the authors who have used it the most and by explaining the relationship between al-bukāˀ ˁalà al-aṭlāl “weeping in the remains of the camp” and the expression of the loving feelings.



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How to Cite

OULD MOHAMED BABA, A. S. (2020). The nasīb in popular poetry ḥassānī, lə-ġnä. Al-Andalus Magreb, 27, 101.


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